Bridging the Divide

All photos taken on February 28, 2022.

Our lethargy and our lack of enthusiasm for walking a long distance on icy sidewalks took us into Edmonton for a short walk today. Parking at the Kinsmen Sports Centre we walked North across the new Walterdale Bridge on the East side and then back South on the West side.

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Published by kagould17

Not much to tell. After working for 3 companies over 43+ years (38 years 7 months with my last company), I finally got that promotion I had waited my entire career for……retirement. I have been exploring this new career for the past 7+ years and while it is not always exciting, the chance to do what I want for myself and my family instead of what my company wants has been very fulfilling. Early on, there was a long list of projects in my “to-do” hopper and I attacked these projects with a vengeance for the first 9 months of retirement. Eventually, my brain told me that this was not what retirement was about, so it took me another 5 months before my industriousness again took over and I attacked another line of projects, this time somewhat shorter and less complicated, as well as many new projects related to the family weddings in 2016. After going hard for 6 weeks and 3 weddings, my body was telling me to relax, then the flu bug hit and as soon as that was done with me, my sciatic acted up. No rest for the wicked. In 2020 and 2021, the Covid 19 pandemic changed the whole retirement gig. I was lucky to not be still working, for sure. I enjoy photography, gardening, working with my hands, walking, cycling, skiing, travelling, reading and creating special photo and video productions obtained in my first pastime. I may never become wealthy in any of these pursuits, but I already feel I am rich in life experiences far beyond any expectation.

10 thoughts on “Bridging the Divide

    1. If the landscape only went from white to green instead of 6 weeks of ugly. Things are greening up here now after a nice rain. Thanks for reading Bernie. Allan


    1. I know some people do not like these types of flashy city signature pieces, but this arch bridge is a nice addition to our river valley. The snow was the perfect backdrop. Now, it is brown but slowly greening up. Thanks for reading Marion. Allan

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes, we just need a bit of motivation. So nice to get out now that spring has finally sprung here. Thanks for appreciating the trash jokes. next time I hope to have a litter of them. 😂Allan

      Liked by 2 people

  1. That’s a beautiful bridge with a fascinating structure, Allan, I love its arch! While the bridges are there to get people from point A to point B, photographers are usually interested in the bridge itself as they make for a great photo subject! Thanks for sharing and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 2 people

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